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Fuqing City Yong Cheng animal husbandry Co., Ltd.

Address: Fujian province Fuqing City mountain town Xue Village

(Sino US joint venture) in Fujian province and more permanent Chenghua pigs Ltd.
Address: Fujian City, Fuqing Province, Chen Village East Han Zhen

Jiangxi Yong Cheng farming and animal husbandry Co., Ltd.
Address: Jiangxi province Poyang County Yang source village of Shangrao City Town Village Lu Huang Gang

National VIP hotline: 4001181992

National customer service hotline: 4000001895

Fax: 0591-85870826

Email: ycwaldo@vip.163.com

Fujian Cheng donon Animal Husbandry Equipment Co. Ltd.

Address: Fuqing City, Fujian Province, mountain town, Xue Hong Kong Industrial District

Contact phone: 0591-86097666

Biography: 0591-85887286

Web site: www.fjchengduo.com

Mail box: ywdb@fjchengduo.com

  • Telephone consultation

  • 400-118-1992